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Sir John Gielgud is one of the most celebrated British actors of the 20th Century, and by far provided some of the most beautiful interpretations of the Reverend Awdry’s work, which Noel Edmonds commissioned for his Radio programme in the early 1980s. Sir John told stories from The Three Railway Engines through to Gordon the Big Engine, and while not differentiating between voices, provided drama, emotion and power to the stories which drove them forward and made for compelling listening.
The recordings resurfaced again as part of the Bookmark Documentary ‘The Thomas The Tank Engine Man’, being played over examples of C Reginald Dalby artwork, which would be relevant to the recording. They have also been aired again on Digital Radio.
Sir John Gielgud
The Noel Edmonds Show - Radio One
Sir John Gielgud Reads
The Sad Story of Henry / Edward, Gordon and Henry
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